ASPL Programming ver 1.00
© 2024 Bassem W. Jamaleddine

6. 2
   xsimilarity calculates the xsimilarities of one or more set variables



xsimilarity a1 [a2 .. aN]       where a1 [a2 .. aN] are set variables

xsimilarity`fflc a1 [a2 .. aN]


When specified by itself then gets the xsimilarity between the two objects on top of the answer stack

xsimilarity  cosStruc  1*          ins:H_H_H  ret:cosStruc

●  Operator xsimilarity displays the extended similarities of one or more set variables

xsimilarity is used to display the similarities between your set variables in an extended view.

Use the xsimilarity or xsim commands to compare the similarities between your set variables. This command is similar to the similarity command, yet it prints more details about the patterns being compared between the different sets. For more information about this command see similarity command.


xsimilarity EXAMPLE1

The footprint of a directory have been collected by assigning it to a set variable a1. Some systemic activities occured on the system that may have perturbed the state of the files within that directory. Consequently, another footprint is collected and assigned to a set variable a2.

In this example we will start ASPL by loading WS1 workspace and show some useful tips on how to display the extended similarity between the set variables a1, a2, and a3.


similarity OPERATION1

Start aspl by loading the WS1 workspace

aspl WS1

①  aspl> v
    (display the symbol table)

You can tick the xsimilarity command with a conditional predicate to get a selective similarity comparison based on that predicate. For example, the following commands will get the similarities between variables a1, a2, and a3 based on their modification time, status attributes, checksum respectively, and entropy:

②  aspl> xsim`mtm a1 a2 a3
    (show the xsimilarity based on their modification time)

③  aspl> xsim`z a1 a2 a3
    (show the xsimilarity based on their status attributes)

④  aspl> xsim`c a1 a2 a3
    (show the xsimilarity based on their checksums)

⑤  aspl> xsim`h a1 a2 a3
    (show the xsimilarity based on their entropies)