1. #!/usr/bin/env /opt/ASPLv1.00/bin/aspl 2. #ENVARG= -groupingclass POSIX -wsname TRANSIENT -singlepass 3. 4. ;;*********************************************************************** 5. ;; dircompare.aspl 6. ;; 7. ;; This example shows the power of ASPL in doing UNIX directories 8. ;; comparison. The directories are treated as ASPL groups, and their 9. ;; their subdirectories as subgroups, and their files as elements 10. ;; 11. ;;*********************************************************************** 12. 13. endScriptIfShellArgsLessThan 2 14. 15. ;; tee -a /public/tee/dircompare.aspl.tee 16. DEF FN cmp2sets := {gU {g\, %%1 %%2}{g\, %%2 %%1}{g&, %%1 %%2}} 17. 18. timeout 60 19. displayoff 20. 21. ks chksum size ppdd ffl 22. 23. d1 = ggdir(grp1,$1,dir,$1) 24. d2 = ggdir(grp1,$2,dir,$2) 25. 26. displayon 27. ks chksum size mtime ffl 28. ;; sequencing lcs 29. g%U d1 d2 30. sim d1 d2 31. FN cmp2sets(d1,d2) 32. 33. endscript 34. 35. __END__ 36. 37. $00 compares two directories 38. 39. $00 must be followed by the names of two directories 40. 41. Example: To compare the two directories /tmp/aa3 and /tmp/aa6 42. 43. $00 /tmp/aa3 /tmp/aa6 44.